martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

non-numerical data

almost any type of data can be included within this category
- social data
[ones from polls, surveys, human resources databases, etc.]
- categorised data (inherent scales)
[sensorial-like (hot, loud, etc.), colours, opinion-based scales (better, preferable, etc.)]
- categorisable data (can be fitted within arbitrary scales)
[locations, races, sex, religion, etc.]

before using the program with this data, it is required to perform a transformation into numerical values
* low enough values
[the typical 0-10 scale works fine for the most of the cases]
* logical enough
[for eyes colours 0=brown & 10=green does not make sense brown-green-blue follows the logic evolution]
* max. & min. given by the raw data (don't extrapolate)
[for eyes colours and only brown & green in the raw data, the predictions wouldn´t be applicable to blue]